Thursday, October 29, 2015


Dear friends i cordially invite you for my Solo exhibition of Paintings
Jehangir Art Gallery, Fort, Mumbai
10th Nov - 16th Nov 2015
Daily 11.00 am - 7.00 pm

I close my eyes and focus to visualize my position as a human being and as a painter. I find that many stories and incidents are hounding me and staring sternly at my face. My eyes are open and the images are very clear in front of me. There are obvious natural reactions which take place inside me. I start my conversation; I assert my views firmly. There is an extreme out-pour of energy...  emotionally and physically. Suddenly, I find myself immovable. I am a statue now, the only hint of life is in the eyes which is expressing everything. Only I can hear the sound within me... and I realize, there is no one with whom I can connect then the voice within me gets LOUD.

In our journey of life, we constantly come face-to-face with questions and dilemmas... some are strange, some are interesting, some are unusual; while some can be life-changing. Every question has an answer — some, we seek and unearth from our conscience, some we are blissfully unaware of, while some we choose to ignore, and some lay hidden in some dark corners of our mind. We are too selective, picky and choosy, to answer all of these. As an artist I also deal with such questions to be reasoned and answered through various means and sources of understanding. And LOUD represents the interactions with oneself regarding such dilemmas, beliefs, predictions, existence, system, consideration and acceptance.  

These paintings deal with the contradiction of silence outside, and the loudness within. These are prolonging visuals which survived through various channels of my upbringing. My concept of being loud is a position in consideration to the profound silence in society on various issues or incidences. It is a general stand which applies as an individual and as a society — it is a representing of me, you and us.

My visuals deal with metaphors, phrases, symbols, identity and stories. Colours are vibrant strong and attractive. I used animals to represent the muteness of the society I represent. The narratives in the paintings are easy to identify and relate. These narratives are not just stories, but highlight the essence of that permanent emotion. I have used oil colours and acrylic colours on canvas as my medium to express as it allows me a free-reign. There is bonding and trust with medium which gives momentum to the content.

Collectively, LOUD indicates that all of us are interlinked, through similar dilemmas and challenging questions — which forms the heart of this series of paintings.  

Friday, July 17, 2015

Dear friends,
Its a pleasure to share with you my new upcomings. Recently i was selected for Futur foundation Artist in Residency programme at Rapperswil-Jona, Switzerland 2015.
To begin with its one of the beautiful and peaceful landscape i experienced for three months with beautiful mountains, lakes, swans and nice cold breeze. Arrangement for artist where so perfect that i felt very homely throughout my stay. I was able to focus totally on my creative process.
since last few years my content for work revolves around politics. I continued my working in same context.  I had so many materials to use as a part of my work. i was working with direct indirect references, my personal experiences since childhood, my perception about my understanding of politics on various levels.
I used acrylic as my medium to work with. As a Indian we are part of diverse culture. we also understand its complexity and functioning. Its sensitive when it comes to religion and faith. space for politics is created with this sensitive areas. I see the idea of polarization for personal and temporary gains which in long run becomes a mess to get rid off. During last Indian Loksabha election of 2015 was a nerve strectching experience. there where so many statements counter statements controversy which designed the new level of politics like branding. It was a clear polarization through out the campaign where politician focused on common people nerves.
In all such campaigns then and after that in state level elections few statements where special for me to be ignored. for eg one elected Minister of Parliament appealing to public to vote on the basis of their genes. The statement where "you people have to decide whom do you want to vote?. do you want to vote for the sons of Lord Rama or do you want to vote for the bastards". Another statement like "these people marry four five time and just keep producing 40 pille (puppies)", All this statement for me is below the belt and utterly insensitive. This references become part of my work in this residency.
I also worked with my position as a artist and as a individual in the society within this political situations. Its a confrontation outside me and within me. the process of work is talking about this confrontations. I want the viewer to get connected and feel parallel with my feelings of being insecure. We need peace and not confrontations for our progress.


Javed Mulani