Thursday, June 30, 2011

Javed Mulani

Javed Mulani

Dear Friends,
I recently had a group show of painting at Artist Centre Gallery, Mumbai on 13th June 2011 with
Mrs Pragati Dalvi Jain.
The Show was titled as "Ripples"

My work represent the sensibility of Human psychology toward living. Consideration of certain assumptions to be fact of our life we encroach into the space we desire to neglect. I have created each work with individual aspect towards it. It reflects the viewer there own existence and responsibility towards this society. We are being the part of this with our own agreement.

Our one act is responsible for so many reactions. Aesthetically i have used animal forms to express the reality through metaphors established with that form. It is open space for the viewer to interact and connect. As a viewer it allows to enter in the subject visually and represent the self in the journey of art appreciation.

Every form colour has arrived with specifications. Though this specifications are on personal basis but it also reflects a general idealization.